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€ 125,00
EAN-13: 9782503585482
K. Kogman-Appel
Catalan Maps and Jewish Books. The Intellectual Profile of Elisha ben Abraham Cresques (1325-1387)
Edizione:Brepols Publishers, 2020
Collana:Terrarum Orbis

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 125,00
DescrizioneThis books describes the life of Elisa ben Abraham Cresques, known to many as the author of the Catalan Atlas, and focuses on the Jewish aspects of his fascinating career, his professional profile, and his scholarship.

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€ 120,00
EAN-13: 9782503586069
C. Dupont
Cartographie et pouvoir au XVIe siècle. L'atlas de Jacques de Deventer
Edizione:Brepols Publishers, 2019
Collana:Terrarum Orbis

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 120,00
DescrizioneUne interprétation novatrice de l?atlas de Jacques de Deventer et de sa place au sein de l?histoire de la cartographie.

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€ 120,00
EAN-13: 9782503580357
P. Fermon
Le peintre et la carte. Origines et essor de la vue figurée entre Rhône et Alpes (XIVe-XVe siècle)
Edizione:Brepols Publishers, 2018
Collana:Terrarum Orbis

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 15-20 giorni lavorativi
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Prezzo di acquisto€ 120,00
DescrizioneLe peintre et la carte.

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€ 125,00
EAN-13: 9782503564616
M. Milanesi
Vincenzo Coronelli Cosmographer (1650-1718)
Edizione:Brepols Publishers, 2016
Collana:Terrarum Orbis

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 125,00
DescrizioneThe Franciscan Vincenzo Coronelli (Venice, 1650-1718) was one of the most famous creators of globes and maps in the late seventeenth century. Neglected for much of the intervening period, his works are now highly prized on the antiquarian market. But scholars have lagged behind and studies on his cosmography remain, till now, partial, if not erroneous.The present study offers a detailed investigation of contemporary documents and Coronelli?s own works. It throws new light on the man and his geographical and cosmographical interests, and puts this in the historical context. It also describes his astonishing career within the Church. His works are framed within the perspective of seventeenth-century knowledge of the representation of space, and places the scientific research of the period in its social milieu.The book is divided into three parts. Each part is devoted to a particular aspect of Coronelli?s activities and sets them within the stages of his career. The first part focuses on the manufacture of two four-metre diameter globes for the Galerie des glaces at Versailles, subsequent production of these in smaller dimensions, and their marketing throughout Europe. The second part focuses on the workshop of the Frari, paying particular attention to Coronelli?s role as a salesperson of writings and drawings about the war against the Ottomans, and as an editor of maps and plans, geographical atlases, illustrated books, and finally an unsuccessful encyclopaedia. This section also examines how manufacture within this workshop was organized, its finance, and the economic relations with colleagues, competitors, and clients. The third part examines the ?Cosmografo della Serenissima? and describes its successes and failures, and the Accademia degli Argonauti and its links to princes and aristocrats, the Venetian republic, and the république des lettres.An appendix is provided comprising transcripts of certain key documents discussed in the volume, and a list of maps that can be attributed to Coronelli. 

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€ 110,00
EAN-13: 9782503552804
C. Gadrat-Ouerfelli
Lire Marco Polo au Moyen Âge. Traduction, diffusion et réception du Devisement du monde
Edizione:Brepols Publishers, 2015
Collana:Terrarum Orbis

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Indicativamente procurabile in 15-20 giorni lavorativi
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Prezzo di acquisto€ 110,00
DescrizioneComment le récit de Marco Polo a été lu au Moyen Âge

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€ 100,00
EAN-13: 9782503548968
E. Vagnon
Cartographie et représentations de l'Orient méditerranéen en Occident (du milieu du XIIIe à la fin du XVe siècle)
Edizione:Brepols Publishers, 2013
Collana:Terrarum Orbis

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 100,00
DescrizioneÀ la fin du Moyen Âge, l?Orient méditerranéen fait l?objet de nombreuses descriptions et de représentations cartographiques en Occident : Orient sacré de la Bible et des Évangiles, Orient épique et féodal des Croisades et des États latins de Terre sainte, mais aussi Orient de la Grèce antique et de ses vestiges. À la fois lointaines et familières, les régions du Levant font partie de la mémoire géographique de l?Occident. Il s?agit d?un espace aux limites variables, centré sur la Terre sainte mais étendu selon les cas jusqu?à l?Europe orientale et les Balkans et jusqu?à l?Égypte, sans cesse redéfini en fonction des intérêts occidentaux manifestés à travers les cartes. Une période particulièrement féconde de cette production cartographique s?étend de la fin du XIIIe siècle, période de vains projets de reconquête des Lieux saints et d?une recrudescence des pèlerinages, jusqu?aux dernières décennies du XVe siècle, lorsque l?exploration des îles et des côtes africaines décentre progressivement l?attention des Occidentaux vers l?Atlantique. Les cartes géographiques étudiées dans ce livre (mappemondes, croquis régionaux, cartes marines, mais aussi cartes et descriptions des îles), ne peuvent être comprises que dans leur rapport avec des textes dont elles proviennent et qui les accompagnent. Ce sont des outils intellectuels adaptés et modifiés en fonction des objectifs de leurs auteurs et de leurs destinataires. Elles illustrent la place toujours essentielle, à la fin du Moyen Âge, de la géographie sacrée et de préoccupations géopolitiques et stratégiques. Leur point commun n?est ni leur forme ni leur souci d?exactitude, mais le contexte dans lequel elles ont été construites : l?inquiétude de l?Occident face à l'expansion turque. Sans nier pour autant que le merveilleux et l?exotisme y soient parfois présents, cette étude tend à montrer que ces cartes médiévales avaient bien pour fonction de représenter un espace réel sur lequel il était possible d?agir. Emmanuelle Vagnon, ancienne élève de l?École normale supérieure, docteur en histoire médiévale, est chargée de recherche au CNRS (Laboratoire de médiévistique occidentale de Paris).

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€ 180,00
EAN-13: 9782503544922
G. Fournier-Antonini
Barcelone, Gênes et Marseille. Cartographies et images, XVIe-XIXe siècle
Edizione:Brepols Publishers, 2012
Collana:Terrarum Orbis

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 180,00
DescrizionePour la première fois, une histoire comparée est appliquée à la cartographie urbaine. En collectant méticuleusement les vues et plans de Barcelone, Gênes et Marseille conservés dans les principaux fonds cartographiques européens, l?auteur analyse l?évolution des productions et des usages des images, depuis leur apparition dans la littérature humaniste jusqu?à l?émergence de la photographie. Qu?il s?agisse de plans ornant les galeries cartographiques, de représentations éditées dans des atlas ou diffusées sur le marché de l?estampe, de cartes militaires ou de plans d?aménagement urbain, les images traduisent les dynamiques de conception graphique et mentale des villes méditerranéennes. En éclairant les formes de pratiques cartographiques, ce livre propose d?aborder les représentations urbaines par l?évolution des rapports à la ville, telle qu?elle peut être perçue, vécue et imaginée, dans les milieux intellectuels très divers dont elles proviennent. Guenièvre Fournier-Antonini est docteur en histoire moderne de l?École des hautes études en sciences sociales, ancienne boursière de l?École française de Rome, récompensée par le John Brian Harley Fellowship Research. Commissaire de l?exposition La ville figurée organisée au musée d?histoire de la ville de Marseille en 2005, elle a publié l?ouvrage du même nom aux éditions Parenthèses.

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€ 95,00
EAN-13: 9782503523781
A. Cattaneo
Fra Mauro's Mappa mundi and Fifteenth-Century Venice
Edizione:Brepols Publishers, 2011
Collana:Terrarum Orbis

Tempi di rifornimento

Indicativamente procurabile in 15-20 giorni lavorativi
Info disponibilitàRifornimento in corso
Prezzo di acquisto€ 95,00
DescrizioneFra Mauros mappamundi, drawn around 1450 in the monastery of San Michele on Murano in the lagoon of Venice, is among the most relevant compendia of knowledge of the Earth and the Cosmos of the fifteenth century. By examining literary, visual, textual and archival evidences, some long considered lost, this book places the map within the larger context of Venetian culture in the fifteenth century. It provides a detailed analysis of both its main sources (auctores veteres such as Pliny, Solinus, Ptolemy, and novi, like Albert the Great, Thomas Aquinas, Marco Polo and Niccolò de Conti) as well as of the composite networks of contemporary knowledge (scholasticism, humanism, monastic culture, as well as more technical skills such as marine cartography and mercantile practices), investigating the way they combine in the epistemological unity of the imago mundi. More a work on intellectual history than cartography, the book constructs a complex set of frameworks within which to situate Fra Mauros monumental effort. These range from the cultural history of the reception of the world map from the fifteenth to the nineteenth centuries to the analysis of the material conditions under which map-makers such as Fra Mauro worked; from the history of ideas, especially of natural philosophy to the links between world representations and travel literature. It also addresses the Venetian reception of Ptolemys Geography, the interactions between Venetian art, theology and cosmography and the complexities of the Venetian vernacular. The books develops a multi-tiered approach, in which different elements of the rich cultural context in which this world map was created, interact with each other, each casting a new light on the encyclopaedic work being analyzed. Angelo Cattaneo, who holds a Ph.D. in History from the European University Institute in Florence, is a researcher at the Centro de História de Além-Mar of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Center for Overseas History of the New University of Lisbon). Currently he is studying the global circulation of knowledge, technology and material culture from the fifteenth to the seventeenth centuries, particularly cosmography, cartography and travel literature. He is the author of Mappa mundi 1457 (Rome, 2008). He also co-edited the volumes The Making of European Cartography (Florence, 2003) and, with Nathalie Bouloux and Patrick Gautier Dalché, Humanisme et découvertes géographiques (Médiévales 58, 2010).  

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€ 95,00
EAN-13: 9782503531649
P. Gautier Dalché
La Géographie de Ptolémée en Occident (IVe-XVIe siècle)
Edizione:Brepols Publishers, 2009
Collana:Terrarum Orbis

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Indicativamente procurabile in 15-20 giorni lavorativi
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Prezzo di acquisto€ 95,00
DescrizioneIn Late Antiquity, Ptolemys treatise on cartography (second century AD) was yet to achieve the recognition that Ptolemy had hoped for, despite relatively wide distribution. However, in the early Middle Ages, knowledge of the Geographia did not disappear completely, owing mainly to treatises on astronomy translated from Arabic. The Latin version produced at the beginning of the 15th century did not, therefore, have the revolutionary character that is often attributed to it. The work that made it possible to understand the universe of Antiquity as it appeared in the classics was well received from the literary point of view. But the astrologists and scientists educated in universities were instrumental, in a way that has, until now, been little studied, in analysing the contradictions between the Ptolemys representation of the universe and other representations that were still current and accepted. The long process of the modernisation of Ptolemys vision entered a decisive phase at the beginning of the second half of the fifteenth century following the synthesis between humanism and natural philosophy. It continued until the beginning of the sixteenth century, considering the modes of representation (anachronistically called projections), retaining the concept of the influence of celestial bodies on the sublunar sphere, a feature of conceptions of the world held since Antiquity that the work of Ptolemy justified as best. The reception of the Geographia, envisaged over a long period, does not therefore confirm the opinion that it played a fundamental role in the supposed move towards a modern concept of the universe distinct from a mediaeval model. This book questions a certain number of commonplaces of cultural history. It is based on the first hand analysis of Greek and Roman texts and maps from highly diverse intellectual backgrounds. Patrick Gautier Dalché is Directeur de recherche at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (IRHT) and Directeur détudes at the Sorbonne, École Pratique des Hautes Études, Sciences historiques et philologiques.

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€ 80,00
EAN-13: 9782503520650
D. Couto
Pictura et scriptura. Textes, images et herméneutique des mappae mundi (XIIIe-XVIe siècles)
Edizione:Brepols Publishers, 2007
Collana:Terrarum Orbis

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 80,00
Descrizione This study aims to show, while making use of several new approaches, that medieval ideas survived in the cartography of the sixteenth century. The analysis is not only based on the mediaeval genre of the mappae mundi, but also on descriptive geographical texts. Since many descriptiones orbis can be considered as world maps in written form, it is important to take into account their meaning within the textual context where they appear, and to estimate the correspondences and the divergences that can be noticed between the two types of representation. On the other hand, even if the discovery of the New World introduced without any doubt important changes, the influence of the description of the mediaeval orbis tripartitus remains perceptible during the sixteenth century. Finally, as far as the relation between the figures and texts on the maps themselves is concerned, where traditionally the sixteenth century is identified as the birth of scientific cartography, this study makes clear that medieval mirabilia (exotic animals and monstrous races) survive well beyond the traditional boundaries of the Middle Ages, and so do the representations of two world rulers, Alexander the Great and Prester John. It follows from this richly documented study that pre-modern maps as the medieval mappae mundi were, in an undividable way, at the same time scientific instruments, as well as documents that are open to allegorical meditations.

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€ 90,00
EAN-13: 9782503522845
Z. Biedermann
Atlas historique du golfe Persique (XVIe-XVIIIe siècles). Historical Atlas of the Persian Gulf (Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries). Historical Atlas of the Persian Gulf (Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries), Couto, Bacqué-Grammont, Taleghani, Biedermann
Edizione:Brepols Publishers, 2006
Collana:Terrarum Orbis

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Indicativamente procurabile in 15-20 giorni lavorativi
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Prezzo di acquisto€ 90,00
Descrizione The Historical Atlas of the Persian Gulf is a joint initiative of the École Pratique des Hautes Études in Paris, the University of Tehran, and the Documentation Centre of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran. The aim of this trilingual (French, English and Persian) publication is to trace the evolution of the cartographical representations of the Gulf between 1500 and 1750.             About a hundred printed and manuscript maps from libraries and archives all over Europe, the United States and Iran have been gathered, some of them being published for the first time. The maps and charts are presented in five sections dedicated to Portuguese, Dutch, French, English and German cartography. Each item is published with enlarged detail reproductions showing the Gulf, and accompanied by brief commentaries as well as transcriptions of the place names and legends. The authors make numerous suggestions as to how the maps and charts developed in the context of international scientific exchange during the Early Modern age.             Hence, the Atlas shows new perspectives on the genealogy of Gulf maps and provides an excellent working tool for future research on the cartography and the history of one of the Worlds great strategic areas. Editors: Dejanirah Couto, Jean-Louis Bacqué-Grammont, Mahmoud Taleghani Coordinator: Zoltán Biedermann Further contributors: Elio Brancaforte, Patrick Gautier Dalché

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€ 140,00
EAN-13: 9782503517261
P. Falchetta
Fra Mauro's Map of the World. With a Commentary and Translations of the Inscriptions
Edizione:Brepols Publishers, 2006
Collana:Terrarum Orbis

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 140,00
Descrizione Fra Mauros map of the world a masterpiece of western cartography, composed around 1450 has until now never been the subject of a modern study, despite its immense renown. The map has been reproduced and cited in hundreds of books, but the most recent full study was in 1806: Placido Zurlas Il mappamondo di Fra Mauro. The present book aims at an analysis and an in-depth study of this important document, offering the reader an understanding within its contemporary cultural framework. The project is the result of collaboration between historians and scholars belonging to two Venetian institutions, the Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana where the map is still preserved and the Centro Interdisciplinare di Rilievo, Cartografia ed Elaborazione (CIRCE) of Venice's Iuav University. The work is in two parts, a volume of studies and a CD-ROM. The latter contains not only a high-resolution image of the map, but also software for cross consultation of text and image, in order to allow 'navigation' between the map and its inscriptions   Piero Falchetta is curator of maps at the Marciana National Library in Venice.

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€ 95,00
EAN-13: 9782503514727
L. S. Chekin
Northern Eurasia in Medieval Cartography. Inventory, Texts, Translation, and Commentary
Edizione:Brepols Publishers, 2006
Collana:Terrarum Orbis

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 95,00
Descrizione Scythia and the islands in the ocean, the farthest northern and northeastern regions of the world known to ancient and medieval geographers, roughly correspond to modern-day Scandinavia, Russia, eastern Europe, and central Asia. Those areas figured prominently in cartography of the Middle Ages. The mythical island of Scandza, the land of the Amazons, the apocalyptic tribes of Gog and Magog, and other traditional symbols of chaos and barbarity existed side by side and often merged with new knowledge about people, cities, and states. The book, originally published in Russian as Kartografiia khristianskogo srednevekovia (Moscow: Vostochnaia literatura, 1999), offers an analysis of 198 Western European and Byzantine maps that date between the eighth and thirteenth centuries and contain information about the north and northeast of the inhabited world. The maps are divided into fifteen groups. Each group of maps is discussed in its separate chapter and all the relevant place names and other legends on the maps are transcribed and translated into English. Included in the book are comprehensive glossaries, which comprise the names of persons, places, ethnicities, and animals, and provide commentaries on the cartographic legends. The book features reproductions of individual maps and their details. Leonid S. Chekin is Leading Research Associate at the Institute for the History of Science and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

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€ 80,00
EAN-13: 9782503511214
N. Bouloux
Culture et savoirs géographiques dans l'Italie du XIVe siècle
Edizione:Brepols Publishers, 2002
Collana:Terrarum Orbis

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 80,00
DescrizioneDu point de vue des représentations de l'espace, le XIVe siècle italien paraît être une époque charnière. On y observe en effet le développement de deux courants: une géographie que l'on peut qualifier (sans jugement de valeur) de "traditionnelle", dont les représentants sont les universitaires, ou des encyclopédistes, et une géographie aux ambitions différentes, celle des premiers humanistes. Pour les premiers, conscients des mutations politico-territoriales accumulées depuis le XIIIe siècle, souvent au courant de l'élargissement des horizons asiatiques, le savoir reçu de la tradition doit être adapté et ajusté. Chez les seconds, l'intérêt pour l'Antiquité se traduit par la recherche active des textes. La confrontation de l'espace contemporain avec l'espace de l'Antiquité aboutit à des apories, à la mise en évidence des contradictions des auteurs et des savoirs et à des interrogations fécondes sur la possibilité de représenter l'espace, et sur les modes de cette représentation. Les successeurs de Pétrarque renoncent ainsi à produire une synthèse des connaissances anciennes et nouvelles et choisissent de suivre dans leurs élaborations l'ordre alphabétique, qui permet de juxtaposer les savoirs tout en se conformant à l'impératif de l'exhausitivité. Nathalie Bouloux est maître de conférences en histoire médiévale à l'Université François Rabelais (Tours).

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€ 80,00
EAN-13: 9782503511221
D. Marcotte
Humanisme et culture géographique à l'époque du concile de Constance. Autour de Guillaume Fillastre. Actes du Colloque de l'Université de Reims, 18-19 novembre 1999.
Edizione:Brepols Publishers, 2002
Collana:Terrarum Orbis

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 80,00
Descrizione Doyen de Reims avant d'être cardinal, un des artisans, avec Pierre d'Ailly, de la résolution du Grand schisme d'Occident, Guillaume Fillastre a constitué, jusqu'à sa mort en 1428, une riche bibliothèque qui témoigne de sa formation d'humaniste et de son intérêt plus particulier pour la géographie de la tradition gréco-romaine. Son époque, qui est aussi celle du Pogge, voit le renouveau des études classiques s'imposer à toute l'Europe. A côté de la personnalité de l'érudit et de l'homme d'Eglise, on aborde ici les relations entre les premiers humanistes français et l'Italie, l'activité des philologues, les travaux des géographes et des cartographes dans les premières décennies du XVe siècle. Une place toute spéciale a été réservée à la Géographie de Ptolemée, dont la fortune, à la fin du moyen âge, a trouvé en Fillastre un des principaux vecteurs.  L'auteur: Didier Marcotte est professeur de langues anciennes à l'Université de Reims; ses travaux portent sur la géographie antique et sur la tradition des classiques grecs et latins à la fin du moyen âge et à la Renaissance.  Les contributeurs: Jean-Yves Boriaud, Jean-Patrice Boudet, Christiane Deluz, Patrick Demouy, Louis Duval-Arnould, Christian Förstel, Patrick Gautier Dalché, Patrick Gilli, Colette Jeudy, Hélène Millet, Nicole Pons, Giuseppe Ragone.

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€ 95,00
EAN-13: 9782503510569
S.D. Westrem
The Hereford Map. A Transcription and Translation of the Legends with Commentary
Edizione:Brepols Publishers, 2001
Collana:Terrarum Orbis

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Prezzo di acquisto€ 95,00
Descrizione Because of its thorough examination of all aspects of the Hereford Map, this book is a tribute to the richest, most complicated surviving example of medieval cartography, as well as an essential tool about medieval culture.

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